(Seattle FilmWorks)
Seattle, Washington
(1998 - 2002)

Programming at
Programming as Systems Programmer at

Software Built:

  • Digital Photo Rendering

  • “Printerface” Photo Printing System

  • Photo Sharpening Software

  • Photo Frames Creation System headquarters in Seattle.

My Experience at

         I developed Windows NT software applications,
COM objects, and ISAPI Internet objects using C++,
MFC, XML, XPath, and MSXML, LeadTools and
ImageGear tools to support the printing of scanned
film photos and uploaded digital photographs onto
photographic paper, and as images displayed on the
internet, photo greeting cards, mugs, calendars, shirts
and other products.
I also created C++ routines to
accept customers’ uploaded image files in many
variations of the JPEG format into the photo archive
And I developed a “Printerface” image printing
management Windows NT application to let
operators control the order and printers used for
photo printing jobs.

        The company was originally known as "Seattle
FilmWorks" and famous for printing film photos.
( Click here for "A Tour of our Lab" from the 1999
Seattle FilmWorks website...)
        My first and primary assignment was to expand
and maintain the software that renders digital photo
images into a form that can be printed correctly on
photographic paper. Later, I was given an additional
challange: to "sharpen" the images to vastly improve
their appearance on when printed. I experimented
with many pixel manipulation techniques and settled
on one set of transformations that seemed to me to
produce the best printed results for all kinds of
digital photos. A magazine published for photo
printing companies held a contest to determine
which photo printing company printed the best
quality photos. won that contest
with my sharpening algorithm!
         Later, I was given a new challenge: to add a
frame border to any photo according to the wishes
of the customer. I was successful in creating a
system that let the customer specify any type of
frame desired.
         During my employment at,
I seemed especially good at finding the causes of
problems in the production of printed photos.
When film processing demand vanished with the
advent of digital photography, the company was
forced to lay off most of its employees. When I was
to be laid off, I was asked to train a replacement
who would be able to assume my software
maintenance responsibilities after my departure.
I was able to accomplish that task, but I admitted
I did not see a way to train anyone to solve the
production problems, assuming my abilities in that
regard were due to my many years of experience.
But as my final days approached, a production
problem arose that halted photo printing. I saw the
cause of the problem that could be seen in several
email messages. I then realized that I had been able
to teach my computer science students such
problem-solving skills by challanging them and
guiding them toward a solution, so I pointed the team
to those emails and challenged them to find the cause
themselves. Only one programmer accepted the
challange, and within an hour or so, he provided the
answer and fixed the problem. But then another
problem arose, and I hoped that he would be able to
solve that problem too. I guessed the area that was
the probable cause, and quietly asked him a question
that pointed him in the right direction, and he solved
that problem too. I then felt I had succeeded in
training someone who would be able to solve
production problems after I left.

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Digital Photographs Copyright 2021, Norm Boynton, all rights reserved.