Whidbey Evangelical Free Church  
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Link to WEFC Statement of Faith

Regular Sunday Schedule
Sunday School Classes at 9:15 AM
Worship Service at 10:30 AM
             Our Purpose

We are a Christ-centered community of faith,
seeking to model the love of Jesus in every home
by practicing the Biblical HABITS of life for the
display of God’s glory among all people.
We are committed to:
Heart-felt Worship
Accepting and Serving One Another with
                    Unconditional Love
Becoming More Like Jesus
Investing What God Has Entrusted to Us
Taking the Love of Christ to the World.

We are located at
3770 Highway 525
Greenbank, Washington.
That is 2 miles south of Greenbank
and 6 miles north of Freeland by our

  Link to air photo and map

Ours is one of some 1250 Evangelical Free Churches in the U.S.A.  Each church is autonomous, yet we are affiliated with one another for the purposes of missions, evangelism, and education.  The growing ministry of the EFCA currently extends to some 40 nations, encompassing nearly 1400 additional congregations.
Phone:   (360) 678-4612 or (360) 222-3211
Email:   wefc@whidbey.com
Mail:   874 Plantation Drive
    Greenbank, WA 98253

Interim Pastor - Rev. Charles Worley
Pastor Charlie's email and cellphone:


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