Relay For Life
June 23, 2001

Relay For Life Luminaria - June 23, 2001
(Click to enlarge)

Above -

  • Our family participated in the local "Relay For Life" 24-hour marathon relay
    raising funds for fighting cancer, as part of the team from the South Whidbey
    Youth Center.

  • We took our turns doing laps around the South Whidbey High School
    Athletic Field Track for an hour at a time. Gio contributed his wagon
    for a parade float.

  • Luminaria honoring specific cancer sufferers were placed around the track.

  • A few members of the Youth Center team take a break:
    Josh, Sasha, Connie and Jodi.

Below -

  • Some fun activities with a Mardi Gras theme were planned for the marathoners
    during the night hours including a parade with small floats.

  • An unidentified participant wore a Mardi Gras mask.

(Click the collages to enlarge them.)

Relay For Life Floats and Fun - June 23, 2001
(Click to enlarge)

Digital Photographs by Norm Boynton, Copyright 2001, all rights reserved.


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