Valley Stream Road, Valley Center, CA 92082
(Home) 760 751 7008 (Cell) 760 580 2062
(E-mail) Lifecoach4God@gmail.com
proclaim the glory of God in its fullness by following
the example of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in reaching
the lost, building up the saints, and involving them in culturally
penetrating ministry so as to reflect God’s
glory by making and multiplying disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1, 2008 – Present – Founder & Life Coach – Vertical Living Ministries
29521 Valley
Stream Road, Valley Center, CA 92082 (760) 751-7008
Trained at the Consulting Institute (2008) and the Leadership Academy
(2009) with Bobb Biehl to use his materials to coach Christian Leaders
Currently involved in coaching pastors, missionaries, and businessmen in
Leadership development and intentional life change for greater impact for that
which will last forever
1995 – 10/31, 2008: Senior Pastor – Pauma Valley Community Church
32077 Community Church Drive, Pauma Valley, 92061 (760)
discipled over 100 male laymen & leaders.
Spearheaded a
million-dollar expansion in facilities for Christian education.
Missions work
and training of pastors and missionaries in India, Cuba, Mexico, and twice in
Argentina (I speak Spanish fluently) – saw hundreds of people come to Christ
and several churches planted with national leaders
mature growth both spiritually and numerically (from 40-300).
Began a
second service in October 2006 because of standing room only during the worship
developed leadership staff, deacons, elders, and trustees.
Have had the
privilege of preaching expositionally through the books of James, Ephesians,
Romans, Hebrews, Revelation, Philippians, Proverbs, Psalms, Job, Genesis,
Daniel, Isaiah, Jonah, Esther, Ruth, Matthew 5-7 & Topical-exposition on
the Fruit of the Spirit, Heaven, The Trinity, The Attributes of God, The Holy
Spirit, Old Testament and New Testament Character studies, Developing a
God-centered World View, Apologetics, Evangelism, Cults, Discipleship and
hundreds of classes on Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, Cults, World
views, Philosophy, Ethics, Evangelism, Apologetics, Discipleship, and
Leadership Development
Ordained by
the American Missionary Fellowship on December 22, 1996.
– 1994: Youth Pastor – Cypress Evangelical Free Church
6143 Ball Road, Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 952-3001
discipled and trained over 50 students and leaders for ministry.
Developed a
healthy ministry consisting of 15 ministry teams led by overseers, apprentices,
and student leaders.
mature growth both spiritually and numerically (from 10 to 200 students in active
ministry JH-College).
Ø Licensed by the Evangelical Free Church
of America on January 20, 1993.
1999-2003: Northwest
Graduate School, Seattle, WA
Ø D.Min. in Pastoral Leadership
Ø Dissertation: “Living Vertically in a
Horizontal Culture”
1998: Westminster
Seminary, Escondido, CA
Ø One-Month Sabbatical for Preaching
1988-1991: Talbot
School of Theology, La Mirada, CA
Ø M.Div. in Pastoral Ministry
1985-1988: Multnomah
Bible College, Portland, OR
Ø B.S. in Biblical Education
1984-1985: Golden West College,
Huntington Beach, CA
General Education
is ultimately Christ-centered. I simply exist to point people in the direction
of Christ for the glory of the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. Fads
come and go, but Jesus is always the foundation and center of all my ministry
endeavors. I find that my three emphases in ministry are leading in a Christ-like manner; teaching & coaching that is Christ-centered; and making multiplying disciples who are
passionately pursuing a Christ-centered life.
believe that the greatest weakness in the church in America today is two-fold:
1) It is radically man-centered and (as a result) 2) It is radically carnal. I
believe the only hope for the church therefore is to return to a radically
God-centered theology and thus become a church that is Spirit-filled and
operating in the power of God rather than relying solely on the resources of
is my passion to be radically vertical in my relationship with God and others,
and to see a new reformation in the church. The church needs to realize that we
have an Awesome God and He must always be feared, reverenced, loved, and
Marriage that
is God-centered and Loving. I believe that the greatest gift I can give my church
(and my children) outside of my own holiness is to love my wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it.
We have a GREAT marriage and it’s getting even better!
Modeling loving relationships in the home. The
family is my “first church.” They take first priority and discipleship must be
modeled first in the home.
Preaching/Teaching that is expositional, Christ-centered,
Theological, relevant, and relational. I always try to teach in such a way that
people learn something new from the passage (head knowledge); that connects with them emotionally (heart/soul/passion); and leads to action
(hands-on application).
Discipleship – Discipling men is not an end in itself.
My goal is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples…I believe
that Jesus modeled this and there is no plan B. I take the great commission
VERY SERIOUSLY and I’m always trying to figure out a better way to make
multiplying disciples.
Coaching leaders to be biblical, theological,
and teach and live out the truth in love. I think that God wants us to be
balanced and intentional. I seek to be a Barnabas for everyone I encounter.
Shepherding that is biblical, patient, loving, and
built on truth and encouragement (my motto is “if I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of grace”).
Delegating to those who have the passion, gifts,
and skills necessary to carry out the different ministries in the body of
Christ and toward the community. I am not a micro-manager. I believe that God
gives every local church what it needs to be healthy and vital. I think that I
need to focus on my gifts and talents and help encourage others to do the same.
Jesus gets the glory when everyone is focused on Him as the Head and we
function using our God-given gifts in the power of His Spirit.
Team player – I love being part of a
team of leaders that work together; play together; pray together; and sharpen
one another as iron sharpens iron for God’s glory.
I am a self-starter; hard-worker;
good communicator – one-on-one; in
groups; and in a large setting; very relational;
hospitable; teachable; organized; studious; disciplined; accountable; authentic; transparent; dependent on God
and dependable.
- Dana – married 18 years (April 4, 1992).
She is my best friend and teammate in ministry. She has been a Sunday
school teacher, V.B.S organizer and leader for the past 25 years, as well
as a discussion leader in Bible Study Fellowship for more than 20 years.
She also enjoys being a homemaker and making multiplying disciples among
- Keely – is 16 and is in 10th grade. She is
an avid reader and enjoys singing with her traveling choir from school,
soccer, track, & cross-country.
- Johnny – is 14 and is in 8th grade. He
loves the outdoors – rock climbing, hiking, soccer, playing piano, and is
very artistic.
- Chrissy (33) & Bekah (25) – are
both married and Chrissy just had our first grandchild – Daniel – on
October 25th, 2009; Mike
(31) is single and works as a landscape architect. They are all college
graduates. They are my stepchildren – Dana was widowed when we married and
I helped raise them from the ages of 14, 12, and 6.
Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone - I affirm the inerrant and infallible sixty-six books of the
Old and New Testaments to be the only source of written divine revelation,
which alone can bind the conscience. The Bible teaches what is necessary for
salvation and sanctification. It has total authority and sufficiency for the
individual Christian and for the practice of the corporate body of Christ (2
Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20,21)
Solus Christus: Christ Alone - I believe that my salvation is accomplished by the
mediatorial work of Christ on the cross. His sinless life and substitutionary
atonement (His righteousness in exchange for my sin) provided the propitiation
necessary for my justification and reconciliation with the Father. (1 Tim.
2:5-6; 1 Pet. 2:24; 1 Jn. 2:1-2; Rom. 8:1).
Sola Gratia: Grace Alone - I confess that in salvation I am rescued from God’s wrath by
His grace alone. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings me
to Christ by releasing me from my bondage to sin and raising me from spiritual
death to spiritual life through the righteousness of Christ imputed to me in
exchange for my sin via the God-given gifts of regeneration and faith in Christ
(John 3; Ephesians 2:1-9).
Sola Fide: Faith Alone - I believe that regeneration precedes faith and that I am
saved solely on the basis of God’s election of me in eternity past. I acknowledge that I am justified by
grace through faith alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ. I cannot add
any merit to Christ’s righteousness. All I bring to God is my sin and a heart
of repentance to turn from my wickedness and strive to be like Christ through
the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1 & 2:1-10; Romans 5:8-11).
Deo Gloria: God’s Glory Alone - I believe that God is one in essence and three in
person: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mt. 3:16-17; 28:19). The Father
predestined my salvation; the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin resulting on
my personal repentance; and Jesus purchased me with His blood on the cross. I affirm that because salvation
is of God and solely accomplished by God, it is for God’s glory. I strive to
live my whole life Coram Deo (before God), under the authority of God,
and for His glory alone (Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31).
Plan of God - I believe that Jesus died and rose again and will come back to establish
His Kingdom on earth. The church exists for reaching the lost, equipping
believers, and involving the saints in reflecting the glory of God in the
world. The gates of hell will not prevail. The church and its mission cannot
fail. The gospel carried out by the church in making and multiplying disciples
is the business of every follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe that there will be a literal bodily
resurrection of everyone who has ever lived and that there will be a final
judgment. I believe that there is a real Heaven that has been prepared for
those who have turned to Jesus Christ in faith and repentance; and that there
is a literal place called Hell that awaits those who have rejected Jesus Christ
as there Lord and Savior. I believe that God is just (those who will spend
eternity in Hell) and merciful (those whom He has elected unto eternal life)
and that He will get glory in His righteous providential acts (1 Cor. 15; Rev.
20-22; Acts 1; Matthew 28:18-20; John 5).