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"Celebrate America - 2008"
July 3, 2008

"Celebrate America - 2008" Top Collage - 7/3/08
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  • Every July 3, Freeland Park becomes the site for an afternoon and evening
    festival to "Celebrate America" and our Independence Day holiday following.

  • The South Whidbey Assembly of God church, with helpers from other
    area churches, add to the park grounds a kids' activities area with large
    inflated games, a large stage, food vendors and a huge fireworks show.

  • The THRIVE youth group from Whidbey Evangelical Free Church
    presented puppet
    shows, balloon sculptures and face-painting.

"Celebrate America - 2008" Middle Collage - 7/3/08
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  • Main stage entertainment began at 6 PM with the Southbound band.

  • The roads to the park were all closed; attenders needed to walk,
    ride the free shuttle busses or find alternate transportation.

  • Many area food vendors and service organizations had booths.

  • Nine airplanes of the Blackhawks Flying Club flew over the park
    in various formations, ending with the "Missing Man".

  • The Pintail was loaded with lots of fireworks for the big show.

  • Several contests were held at the main stage at 7 PM, including:
    drinking blended curly fries, blowing bubblegum bubbles,
    spitting sunflower seeds and twirling Hula Hoops.



  • On the main stage at 8 PM, Dave Coleburn presented his
    "Predators of the Heart" wildlife show that included:
    pythons, a king cobra showing his hood, a green mamba from Africa,
    exotic birds, lizards and aligators.

  • At 9 PM the "Shifty Sailors", a Whidbey Island mens' chorus,
    sang patriotic and nautical songs.

  • A patriotic program began at 10 PM with a color guard from the
    Marine Corps League, singing of the National Anthem by Robert Evans,
    honoring veterans and telling our flag's history by Pastor Matt Chambers.

  • The celebration ended with spectacular fireworks over Holmes Harbor
    launched by the Mick Olsen Corporation crew.

"Celebrate America - 2008" Bottom Collage - 7/3/08
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Web page uploaded 7/13/08.