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Craigs' Welcoming Celebration
6 PM Sunday, October 10, 2010

Craigs' Welcoming Celebration - 10/10/10
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )

  • Chairman of the Board of Overseers Jim Walker welcomed everyone to the Welcoming Celebration for our new Senior Pastor David Craig and his family.

  • Dave Stevenson introduced the speakers;
    Tana Walker, speaking for the WEFC Women, welcomed Mrs. Dana Craig;
    Ann Hefflinger, speaking for the WEFC Youth, welcomed Keely and Johnny.

  • Matt Chambers, Pastor of South Whidbey Assembly of God, welcomed Pastor David for the Whidbey Island Pastors;
    Jeff Sickles, Pastor of Snohomish EFC, gave the Charge to the Congregation;
    Darris Arnold, of the Pacific Northwest District of the EFCA, gave the Charge to the Pastor.

  • After the Installation Prayer, Pastor David spoke in response.

  • The Celebration ended with refreshments for everyone.

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Web page uploaded 10/16/10.