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Sunday Service Scenes
December, 2010

Sunday Service Scenes - December, 2010
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )


  • The Worship Team led an offertory,
    and Pastor David preached
    "By the Will of God";

  • Luke David Hagen was welcomedto the congreation;
    Dave showed photos of the Johnsons' ministry in Philippines;
    Pastor David preached
    "Who Is Your Paul?";
    And a bake sale followed worship to support Danae's missions trip.

  • Sunday Schoolers sang Christmas carols;
    Dave showed a video of Michael Kandela's recent graduation;
    The Worship Team led an offertory;
    Pastor David preached
    "Are You a Barnabas?".

  • Jim presented some annoucements;
    Pastor David led prayer for the Lisa Wiehe;
    A video of
    "A Baby Changes Everything" provided an offertory;
    And Pastor David preached
    "Who Is Your Timothy?". 

  Missing Plug-In to play .wmv files. Play it manually below...
  • Background photos for singing.

Sunday Service Song Scenes - December, 2010
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )

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Web page uploaded 12/28/10.