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Sunday Service Scenes
June, 2010

Sunday Service Scenes - June, 2010
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )


  • Jim gave the announcements; Joquin shared; Pastor Dave led a Responsive Reading and preached on "Becoming More Like Jesus in Suffering";
    After the service, Helen was honored with cake for her 91st birthday and 69th wedding anniversary.

  • Josh taught Adult Bible Fellowship; Autumn led two childrens' choirs;
    The Worship Team led an offertory hymn;
    Jon congratulated the graduating seniors;
    Guest speaker Pastor Ken Draper preached
    "The Triumph of the Resurrection".

  • Tana read a letter from Zambia;
    The Worship Team sang "A Mighty Fortress" as offertory;
    Guest Speaker Steve Morrow preached
    "Secure in the Father's Love";
    Fathers were honored on their Day with Dad's Root Beer floats.

  • Doug and Wes reported the Search Committee's choice of David Craig to candidate for the Senior Pastor position on July 11;
    Autumn read the story behind the offertory music;
    Pastor Dave preached
    "The Universal Word of God".

  • To view the childrens' choir songs of June 13th, play the small videos here:

Missing Plug-In to play .wmv files. Play it manually below...
"Jesus Loves Me"
Video - 2.5 minutes
( Click here to play the video manually
if the .wmv plugin player above fails... )


Missing Plug-In to play .wmv files. Play it manually below...
"By Your Side" and "Born Again"
Video - 4.5 minutes

( Click here to play the video manually
if the .wmv plugin player above fails... )

  • Background photos for singing.

Sunday Service Song Scenes - June, 2010
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )

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Web page uploaded 6/18/10.