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Sunday Service Scenes
November, 2009

Sunday Service Scenes - November, 2009
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )


  • Pastor David preached; Communion was observed;
    New ceiling lights were installed over the stage;
    The playground swings were repaired.

  • Bruce and Xinia Scoropinski visited from the Philipines.

  • The remodeling committee displayed new colors;
    Wes reported on the Pastoral Search; Pastor Dave preached.

  • The first Advent candle was lit by Rhett and Sam;

  • The Church was decorated for the Advent season with donated trees.

  • Background photos for singing.

Sunday Service Song Scenes - November, 2009
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )
( Click this collage to enlarge it... )

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