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"Taking the Place of Jesus....
in Evangelism"
January 23, 2011

Pastor Dave Stevenson Pastor Dave Stevenson

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Date:  January 23, 2011 - WEFC

Sermon Title:  "Taking the Place of Evangelism"

Text:  John 4 : 31 - 38

Pastor Dave Stevenson preaching "Taking the Place of Evangelism" - 1/23/11

Sermon Notes for
"Taking the Place of Evangelism"

( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these notes. )





“Taking the Place of Evangelism”

John 4:31-38


A definition of evangelism: Consciously, intentionally living/speaking in such a way as to make commitment to Christ in saving faith attractive to others.



Some “MUSTS” in Evangelism:



        Doing the Father's will MUST be as essential to us

        as eating. (Jn 4:34)



        We MUST have a sense of urgency equal to that  

        of harvesters. (Jn 4:35)



        Gathering fruit for life eternal MUST be as important

          to us as earning a living.  (Jn 4:36)




        Our efforts MUST be as cooperative as that of

        farm laborers.  (Jn 4:37-38)





 “God's plan for the church is that the discipled church membership is the outreach program.

- Bill Hull, The Disciplemaking Pastor







Questions for Discussion Based on the January 23 Sermon
"Taking the Place of Jesus .... in Evangelism"
John 4:31-38

1.           If you were asked to write a definition of "evangelism", how would it be like, or how would it differ from, the one given in the sermon?


2.          In the text Jesus alluded to four issues that are vitally important to all of us in daily living:


Being productive

Earning a living


What are some practical ways that our diligence in pursuing these objectives in daily life should be reproduced in our pursuit of evangelism? How does this passage lead you to your conclusions?



3.  Read the following passages and discuss how each one relates

to the issue of evangelism:

Matthew 28:19-20

Acts 1:8

2 Corinthians 5:18-21 2 Timothy 2:2



4.   Discuss some of the situations you face that present an evangelistic opportunity. In what ways could you be more effective in your evangelistic efforts?

( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these notes. )

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