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"The Results of Hope Properly Placed"
February 20, 2011

Pastor David Craig Senior Pastor Dr. David Craig

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Date:  February 20, 2011 - WEFC

Sermon Title:  "The Results of Hope Properly Placed" - Sermon 11 of Colossians Series

Text:  Colossians 1 : 4 - 5, 8

Pastor David Craig preaching
 "The Results of Hope Properly Placed" - 2/20/11

Sermon Notes for
The Results of Hope Properly Placed"

( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these notes. )

The Results of Hope Properly Placed

The Results of Hope Properly Placed

(Colossians 1:4-5, 8 - Part 11 – February 20, 2011 – Dr. David P. Craig)



What Good Results from Christ in You the Hope of Glory (Col 1:5a, 27)?



1)     A powerful faith because of its omnipotent object – Col 1:4.

– “your faith in Christ Jesus.”


2)     An internal faith that is manifested externally – Col 1:4

– “we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus.


3)     A divinely empowered love – Col 1:8

– “has made known to us your love in the Spirit.”


4)     An all-encompassing love – Col 1:4

        love that you have for all the saints.”



5)     A balance of faith and love – Col 1:4

- “your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints.”







The Results of Hope Properly Placed – For Discussion & Further Study

(Colossians 1:4-5, 8 - Part 11 – February 20, 2011 – Dr. David P. Craig)


1)     A great commentary on Sunday’s sermon is found in Galatians 5. In verses Gal 5:1-6 what does Paul say about the order of faith and works, and the outworking of faith?


2)     In verses Gal 5:7-12 what is Paul so upset about? Why?



3)     In verse Gal 5:13 Paul contrasts two uses of freedom. What are they? What does this tell you about the distinction between “divine” love and “fleshly” love?



4)     Does the summarization of the whole Law surprise you in verse Gal 5:14? How is this possible according to the rest of the chapter?



5)     Why do you suppose that the primary fruit of the Spirit in Paul’s list is love in verse Gal 5:22? What does this tell you about the inner and outworking of the Holy Spirit? Give examples of how love is practically manifested in the 8 other “fruits” of the Spirit? Why is it so important that you “belong to Christ” (Gal 5:24) in order to bear this kind of fruit?


( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these notes. )

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