Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

I took this Polaroid Spectra photo of the ice covered lighthouse
at South Haven, Michigan, on a cold, windy day in early 1995.

Click one of the six wallpaper sizes represented by the small photos:
(Wallpaper instructions are at the bottom of the page.)

640 x 480
Link to 640x480 Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

800 x 600
Link to 800x600 Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

1024 x 768
Link to 1024x768 Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

1152 x 864
Link to 1152x864 Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

1280 x 1024
Link to 1280x1024 Wallpaper Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

1600 x 1200
Link to 1600x1200 Wallpaper  Photo - "Icy Lighthouse"

How to Make a Wallpaper:
1. Click on the photo and size you want.
2. When the photo you want is displayed by the browser
    in the exact size you want, right-mouse-click the photo
    for a menu of choices
Now you have two ways to make the Wallpaper:
      *  Select "Set as Wallpaper" to create it automatically,
          but this method uses up more of your disk space with a BMP file.
 or *  Select "Save Picture/Image As..." to save the photo on your disk
          as a smaller JPG file, then make that file your Windows Background
          by right-mouse-clicking on the background and selecting "Properties"...
Digital photo copyright Norm Boynton, 2001. All rights reserved.
You may use any of these wallpaper photos as your Desktop Wallpaper free
of cost, but you may not sell, distribute or alter any without my permission.
Click here to send me an email requesting such permission
or informing me of which wallpaper photos you like
or suggesting other photos on my website (http://www.NormBoynton.com)
that you would like to see made into wallpaper photos.

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