Celebrate America - July 3, 2000

Held in Freeland Park. Co-sponsored by many area churches.

Afternoon: Fun for Kids - Celebrate America, 2000 - 7/3/00

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Afternoon: Fun for Kids
At around 5 PM, streets were blocked and the crowd arrived to celebrate and snack.
"King's Kids and Kompany" of Langley CMA presented a patriotic musical program.
Children enjoyed big toys, face painting and puppet shows by
Connie's "Glad Tidings"
group from our Whidbey Evangelical Free Church

and yoyo tricks by John Fox.

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Evening: Program for All
"Bash a Beater for a Buck" paid some of the Celebrate America expenses.
Craig Buhler and Randy McMillan's trio played a jazz concert.
Local pastors and elected officials participated.
The Black Jacks Flying Club of Arlington performed flyby formations.
The Ensemble from Cedar Parks sang patriotic songs
and all veterans were honored.

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Night: Fireworks!
At 10:20 PM, focus shifted from the stage to the fireworks barge in Holmes Harbor.
The huge fireworks show by Mick and LeRoy Olsen had a wide variety of colorful shells.
A big finale ended the show by filling the sky with fireworks.

Evening: Program for All - Celebrate America, 2000 - 7/3/00


Night: Fireworks! -  Celebrate America, 2000 - 7/3/00

Click here for more Celebrate America information
on the South Whidbey Assembly of God website.

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Digital Photographs by Norm Boynton, Copyright 2000, all rights reserved.