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"No Pain - No Gain"
October 30, 2011

Rev. Charles Worley Pastor Charlie Worley

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Date:  October 30, 2011 - WEFC

Sermon Title:  "No Pain - No Gain" - Sermon 6 of Philippians Series

Text: Philippians 1 : 27 - 30

Pastor Charlie Worley preaching
 "No Pain - No Gain" - 10/30/11

Pastor Charlie's sermon slides for "No Pain - No Gain" - 10/30/11

Discussion Questions for
No Pain - No Gain"

( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these questions. )

“No Pain – No Gain”

“No Pain – No Gain”

Phil. 1:27-30

Small Group Bible Study Questions


1.      Take a moment to pray for the persecuted church in the world today. Pray like Paul for their bold witness, growing Christ-likeness, perseverance under pressure and faith.


2.      In Paul’s opening statement from Phil. 1:27, he mentions that the believer’s life and conduct is to be “worthy of the gospel of Christ.” What does such a “worthy life” look like?


3.      According to Phil. 1:27, a church is to be characterized as the people of God “standing firm in one spirit.” What does that look like in our church? How can we “stand firm” in a world that is “falling apart?”


4.      How can we help one another “stand firm” and “strive side by side” for the faith of the gospel?


5.      What are some obstacles that can prevent us from standing firm and striving side by side as a church body?


6.      Who or what are some of the “opponents of the faith of the gospel” that we face today? How can we prevent fear of these opponents from dominating our life and ministry as a church family?


7.      From this passage of Scripture, what can we expect when we come to faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior?


8.      What lessons can we learn about facing suffering as Christians from Phil. 1:27-30?


9.      How is suffering related to joy?


10.  What encourages you in this text of Scripture? What do you take home to apply from it?

( Click here to download or open the Word document file for these questions. )

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