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- Sermons listed in order of Sermon Series -

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  1. "Christocentric Living in an Anthropocentric World" - 11/28/10 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  2. "By the Will of God" - 12/5/10 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  3. "Who Is Your Paul?" - 12/12/10 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  4. "Are You a Barnabas?" - 12/19/10 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  5. "Who Is Your Timothy?" - 12/26/10 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  6. "The Christ Identity" - 1/2/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  7. "By Grace Alone" - 1/9/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  8. "Abiding Peace" - 1/16/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  9. "The Source of Joy" - 2/6/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  10. "The Significance of Hope Properly Placed" - 2/13/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  11. "The Results of Hope Properly Placed" - 2/20/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  12. "The Essence of the Gospel" - 2/27/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  13. "The Essence Of Intercession" - 3/6/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  14. "Image Is Everything" - 3/13/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  15. "Jesus - The Preeminent One" - 3/20/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  16. "Jesus: The Lord Over All Creation" - 3/27/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  17. "The Only Hope for the Church" - 4/17/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  18. "Will Everyone Ultimately Be Saved?" - 5/1/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  19. "Spiritual Transformation in Christ" - 5/8/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  20. "Professors or Possessors of Eternal Life?" - 5/15/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  21. "Are Suffering and Joy Compatible?" - 5/22/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  22. "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory" - 5/29/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  23. "How Firm is Your Faith in Christ?" - 6/5/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  24. "Rooted and Built Up in Christ" - 6/12/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  25. "Credo or Paedo Baptism?" - 6/26/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  26. "The Essence of Christocentric Living" - 7/24/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  27. "Demonstrating Christ to the World" - 7/31/11 Pastor David CraigAudio RecordingText File

  1. "Jesus Christ, Our Perfect Priest" - 4/3/11 Pastor Dave StevensonAudio RecordingText File

  2. "Jesus Christ, Our Sufficient Sacrifice" - 4/10/11 Pastor Dave StevensonAudio RecordingText File


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Web page uploaded 11/6/11.